Tue 21 Jan
WARNING: Robbery/ Rip off girls 513.429.1062 not escorts - 23
(Cincinnati, cincinnati (Beechmont Motel 6))
NOBODY DOES IT LIKE NINA--READY NOW*** Professional Gentleman, Upscale Companion *** - 24
(Columbia, NE/Ft. Jax/In/Out/Military welcome)
Discreet Independent Sexy Mature Brunette Will Leave u Happy ;) :) - 39
(Las Vegas, las vegas outcall)
NeW ** 803-419-9259** Let Me Make You Feel Wanted And Appreciated ** 803-419-9259 ** NeW - 99
LooK LooK !TIFFANY Is BacK* * TIFFANY Is BacK (( AvaiLabLe ToDay @ 6pm)) SeXy BLonDe 4 UpScaLe GenTs - 20
(Downtown KCMO)
Craving Chocolate? Delightful Derriere for Days! ---->www. ExoticGodiva .com
★ C@li's Finst Has A®®!vD (☎) Call fo® Av@il@bilit¥ ★ - 22
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip Upscale Hotel)
*Quality over Quanity*Puerto Rican Princess~Mihaun - 25
(East Bay, Private Incall East Bay Area Outcall)
Diamond Vip Escorts and Entertainment accepting credit cards always great reviews - 21
(Charleston, tri county)
OUTCALL 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 Top Notch Companion 5 star services Highly Favored💕💕💕 Be My PlayyMate🍭🍭🍭🍭 - 23
(East Bay, Fremont, Outcall appointment only)
..BARBIE.. 60/100/160 incalls ONLY* ITS M3 0R ITS FR33** BLACK & ASIAN..BLASIAN BARBIE!!! - 20
(Columbia, two notch rd)
! _ (( H O T )) ________ * P L a Y F u L * ________ :: YuMmY :: ________ {{ ~BLONDE~ }} _ ! - 21
(Kansas City, NKC)
|::: GoRgEoUs :::| YoUnG :::| Bl@ck |::: B@rbi3 Up @ll :::| Nit3::: | Sp3ci@ls :::| - 18
(westport area)
12O_ Specials_ **SeXy** _ ExoTiic _ AsiaN *MiXed* _ HoTTie _ SpeciaLs _ - 19
(boulder hwy/east las vegas/in/out)
NeW PiCS💕Highly Reviewed💕Sexxy ,DrOP DeAD Gorgeous 💖💕Truly SkiLLeD💖MixxeD BuStY BoMBsheLL💕Avail Now💖💕💖 - 24
(East Bay, Antioch•Pittsburg•Brentwood)
🌸 Exotic & Rare To Come By 🐰 🌸 Sweet Seductive & Playful 🌸 Both Genders Friendly 🌸 - 24
(Kansas City, South KCMO)
╚» °°• a GiRL LiKe Me•°° «╝ °°•(( iS HaRD 2 FinD ))•°° S♡FT aS C○TT♥n CaNDi | JuST aS SWeeT☆ - 28
$100 Sexy and Fun mixed girl GREAT SPECIALS incall/outcall $100 - 23
(Las Vegas, incall & outcall ALL LV)
(100% REAL WOMAN) ... Sexy Midswest Soccer Mom ...xoxoxo @@@ INCALL and OUT independent ........... - 41
(INCALL/ *****OUTCALL********************)
⇖✘⇗ 120 SP€CIAL 2DaY⇖✘⇗ ✰ ✰ = BLOND€ BOMB§H€LL ✘⇗ ★ 1000% IND€P€ND€NT!!! ★ 1000%REAL - 21
(Las Vegas, INCALL ONLY (Tropicana ave))
120 _ Specials_ **SeXy** _ ExoTiic _ AsiaN *MiXed* _ HoTTie _ SpeciaLs _ 120 - 19
(Boulder hwy/Henderson/Las Vegas Strip)
%100 Me Or ItS FREE!!!! FoR A LiMiTeD TiMe!!! NeW PiCs!!! $uPeR PlAyMaTe - 19
(Las vegas- near strip[INcall ONLY])
$100 SpEcIaL(( 100% Perfect Pick ))* ((SexXy * ClaSSy)) & ((Always The Best)) Playmate $100 SpeCiAl
[100% ReAl PhoTo ! (((( **** SATISFACTION !!!!!! **** )}}} [100%ReAl PhoTo!] 120 H/hr SpeCiaLz - 21
COMEc ME- iPROMISE2givUaMUCH BTR gift thanUR WIFE/GIRLFRIENDdid4 xmas-for I will shut up afterwards - 37
(Kansas City)
Mischa Piedmont: Let me be your Personal Relaxation Assistant! - 26
(Cupertino, East Bay, Milpitas, Mountain View, North Bay, Oakland/Berkeley/Emeryville, Palo Alto, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale)
Lick my kitty💦 spank me💋 Freaky bunny hot N ready🎀 - 24
(East Bay, Pittsburg Antioch Brentwood concord)
" Beautiful, Petite, Blonde, Bootylicious Bombshell" **** A Discreet Treat **** 720-315-5053 - 25
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs/Downtown)
█ ●Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD● ▓█ ♥H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr ΜιηD♥ ▓✯✯uℓtiℳαtε sexy ρℓαγℳαtε҉↗•100 incall Special - 23 - 23
(Denver, Denver Co)
°*° ((80 IN/ Sp€c!@LS)) °*° Th€ P€RF€CT Pla¥ MaT€ °*° ! (WaRm *&* £xOtiC) 100%QuALity *! - 27
(Colorado Springs, South & Central Springs (In &out;))
Sweet 🍒 Sexy 👙 Sophisticated 👑 Bootylicious 🍑 Bombshell 👙 🌟🌟🌟🌟 720-315-5053🌟🌟🌟🌟 - 27
(Colorado Springs)
💖KiLLeR BoDY💕💕(100%ReAL)✨💕HiGhLY SkiLLeD &WeLL; ReviEweD💕✨💕UpLATE SpEciALs✨💕✨ - 24
(Antioch•Pittsburg•Brentwood, East Bay)
💕✨💕KiLLeR BoDY💕(100% ReAL)💕HiGhLy SkiLLeD & WeLL ReVieweD💕✨💕UpLATE SpeCiaLs✨💕 - 24
(Antioch•Pittsburg•Brentwood, East Bay)
💕✨💕KiLLeR BoDY💕(100% ReAL)💕HiGhLy SkiLLeD & WeLL ReVieweD💕✨💕UpLATE SpeCiaLs✨💕 - 24
(East Bay, Antioch•Pittsburg•Brentwood)
⛅80SpL InCall available NOW Just Arrived 😍😘👭Super Freak 😛💦💦Available DaY&NiGhT; 🌃😍😘🙈3478999713 - 22
(Kansas City, North kc incall (ALL MAJOR CASINOS))
SwEEt K@NdY AmiiNa L@tiiNa (719)*849*5391 80$pecial$ incall. - 23
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs.)
{ I'M BaCK { * BLoNdE } * { HoTTie }*l{ *CuRvY* }l* PeRFecT N EVeRy WAy }} GiRL NeXT DooR} - 21
• SICK OF DiSaPPOiNTMeNTs ?? •★• ———YoU Deserve ME! ———•★• NO FaKES HeRE•★SPEcials - 23
(Colorado Springs, Powers and Galley)
-=-= STUNNiNG* -=-= *EXOTiC PlAymate* -=-= SMOKiN HOT CURVES =AMAZiNG BOOTY = .Very. ~ PLAYFUL - 28
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs & Surronding Area)
"Looking For Something Hot, Soft, Sexy & Amazing?" **** Petite Blonde Bombshell **** 720-315-5053 - 25
(Colorado Springs, Downtown Colorado Springs)
-I'm What YOU Want! SWEET & Sexy *** PERFECT 34D ------ JULIETTE
(Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo, Denver & Colorado Springs Escort)
💥 Asian & Indian Mix 💋 Petite Bombshell 👙🎀 Ready to see You - 21
(North Chicagoland, Gurnee and surrounding in out)
LAST DAY!👌💤💁💎UpScale Young Lady👸💇💅👠 YoU WouLd LoVe 2 SpEND YOUR TiME WiTh✨💫💦 - 23
(G.J (IN) Montrose/Delta/Olathe (OUT), Western Slope)
💕💕ExQuiSiTE BeaUtY💕ToP OF The LiNE ✨💕✨ YouR PerfeCT AddiCtiON✨WeLL Reviewed✨💕✨ - 24
(East Bay, Brentwood•Pittsburg•Antioch)
💕ink DOLL. slim, tall, pretty face.. INCALLS NOW! 💕 - 23
(Colorado Springs, citadel mall *INCALL ONLY*)
* * * EXOTIC * *EBONY MIXED *|| ((PLAYMATE)) ==GREAT -XXX- SKiLLs ===> ( ( KiLLeR BoDY ) ) - 24
~~Fun and Curvy for you!! ~~ PIERCED AND TATTOOED!! ~~ Dark hair ~~ Enchanting blue eyes - 25
(Colorado Springs)
【†ħε Gεn†ℓεmαη's #❶ Cho¡cε】 ★ 【Southern Bell】 ★ 【√¡ρ Tяεα†mεη† by a naughty & nice blonde】 - 25
(Aurora, Denver, Gvr)